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Dendrobates Tinctorius live in wet humid habitats. They can be found in nearly all of French Guiana and parts of Guyana, Suriname, Brazil, and the eastern portion of the Guiana Shield and Venezuela. Most frogs are typically 2 inches, each locale varies so it is best to look into each individually. Mostly bold personality, frogs have a low humming call.

Two pairs laying eggs currently.

Dendrobates Tinctorius "Vanessa"

Breeders from - DartFrogConnection

Laying eggs consistently.

Dendrobates Tinctorius "Powder Blue"

Breeders from - Woodland Manor Darts

Not breeding yet.

Dendrobates Tinctorius "Azureus"

Breeders from - Ramsey Ludow x Dan Maurer

Laying eggs consistently.

Dendrobates Tinctorius "True Sipalawini"

Breeders are wild caught and Devon Edmonds

Laying eggs consistently.

Dendrobates Tinctorius "Bakhuis"

Breeders from - Ramsey Ludow

Laying eggs consistently.

Dendrobates Tinctorius "Oyapock"

Breeders from - Ramsey Ludow

Laying eggs consistently.

Dendrobates Tinctorius "High Yellow Cobalt"

Breeders from - Steve Piesker (Sean Stewart line)

Laying eggs consistently.

Dendrobates Tinctorius "Patricia"

Breeders from - Jeff Shugars x Josh's Frogs

Laying eggs consistently.

Dendrobates Tinctorius "Green Sipalawini"

Breeders from - Dan Wols

Just started laying.

Dendrobates Tinctorius "Alanis"

Breeders from - Josh's Frogs

Just got new female, waiting for new eggs

Dendrobates Tinctorius "High Yellow Robertus"

Breeders from - Tincman Herps (F1)

Laying eggs consistently.

Dendrobates Tinctorius "Giant Orange"

Breeders from - DartFrogConnection x David Bishop

Not breeding yet.

Dendrobates Tinctorius "Nikita"

Breeders from - Devon Edmonds

Laying eggs consistently.

Dendrobates Tinctorius "New River"

Breeders from - Josh's Frogs

Not breeding yet.

Dendrobates Tinctorius "Brazilian Yellow Head"

Breeders from - John Roberts

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